Case Study - ICT strategy

Government statutory body


A Queensland Government statutory body was undergoing significant change in terms of its regulatory scope of activities and target markets of operation.  These adjustments presented challenges and opportunities for the enabling information and communication technologies.  The organisation's leadership team were keen to articulate a strategic vision and strategy for ICT supporting them into the future.


Our team conducted a series of interviews across the organisation to gauge current expectations (framed in terms of strengths-weaknesses-opportunities-threats) for ICT to their business function and overall business outcomes.  This bottom-up analysis was coupled with an analysis of relevant trends in their organisation's business sector and the ICT industry.


The organisation has a robust and fully articulated ICT strategy describing the vision, key focus areas, objectives and initiatives.  Key to the success of this deliverable is the development approach that ensured that the ICT strategy is richly representative of the broader commitment to increasing the value of ICT as a business enabler to the organisation, its staff and its customers.