Privacy Policy


Arryze is committed to protecting the privacy of all our clients, staff, and contractors. We will ensure that, to our best knowledge, the personally identifiable information you submit to us remains private and only used for the purpose you agree to. This privacy policy covers the treatment of your personally identifiable information that we obtain.


Arryze may collect personally identifiable information from you as a client, such as: your name, your organisation, your position within that organisation, your contact numbers, your contact addresses, and most importantly, the type of support you are seeking.

Arryze may collect personally identifiable information from you, as a potential employee or contractor such as; your name, your contact numbers, your contact addresses, your age, your gender, your skills, your qualifications, the languages you can speak, your interests, your employment history, past responsibilities, and most importantly, the type of job you are interested in applying for. If you, as a potential employee or contractor, are considered for a position vacancy we may collect personally identifiable information about you from your referees, as well as your own personal employment objectives.


Arryze uses your information for the purpose disclosed at the time of submission. Your personally identifiable information will not be used for any other reason without your prior consent. Your information is used to establish and maintain a relationship with you, as a client or candidate, to provide you with interviews, reports or other information you may be interested in. Your contact details are needed to answer any enquiry you may have, as well as to keep you informed with updated information, unless you have otherwise stated a preference not to be informed.

The main use of your personally identifiable information is to fulfil your request of assignment based work opportunities, either as a client looking for assistance, or as an employee or contractor looking for a position vacancy or temporary work assignment.

Your information may also be relevant and be used in work performance appraisals; our management of any complaint, investigation or inquiry in which you are involved; or any insurance claim or proposal that requires disclosure of your personal or sensitive information.


Arryze may disclose your personally identifiable information to a third-party if it is required by law, rules or regulations, including circumstances where we are under a lawful duty of care to do so. We may also disclose your information if, in connection with submitting your information, you consent us to do so for employment opportunities.


Arryze will utilise email as the main conduit of information to clients, employees and contractors, unless we are instructed not to do so. Email correspondence may include advice of available opportunities, invitations to upcoming events, company newsletters, requests for updated information and distribution of payslips to temporary staff.


In accordance with National Privacy Principles (Principle 6 – Access and Correction) you have rights to see and have a copy of personal and sensitive information about you and correct, complete or update that information.

If you wish to exercise your rights of access and correction, or if you require any further information about our privacy policy, you should write to:

The Privacy Officer
GPO Box 1540
Brisbane QLD 4001